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eOnline Brow Lamination Diploma

eOnline Brow Lami £109 eOnline Brow Lami & Kit £160

  • Ended
  • 109 British pounds
  • Online Course

Service Description

Brow Lamination is a technique that redirects the hairs. Brows that are laminated can be directed upwards, sideways or down to create a different brow texture. A feathery brow effect can be achieved, as well as correcting brow growth patterns, such as brows that are curled, kinked or do not lie in an even pattern. Our Brow Lamination & Tinting Training Course is designed to help you give your clients a uniform, full eyebrow shape. This is the ultimate solution for eyebrows that do not have symmetry where the hairs follow a different pattern, with lamination we can realign the brows in such a way to give them the desired shape they want.​ This treatment solves the messy brow issue, creates volume and fullness, while giving you a sleek well-kept brow shape for up to 2 months. We recommend our Highly Defined Brow Training Course, if you are a complete beginner to enhance your treatment portfolio. Fully accredited by IPHM to allow you to gain insurance to work from home or mobile upon completion! Study from the comfort and convenience of home, with an experienced course tutor on-hand to help by email. Ideal for those who wish to learn treatments for personal interest or to provide pampering to friends, family and clients. To enable you to make the most of this professional course we advise that you purchase an optional starter kit to practice with and then for using on your first few clients. This will allow you to patch test and complete your 3 treatments at home towards your case studies.

Cancellation Policy

Our cancellation fee is 100% of the total cost of service that you were booked for. If your appointment is not cancelled within 24 hours notice you will be charged the 100%. We understand that life happens, but we ask that you give enough notice, this gives the practitioner chance to fill that appointment slot or make changes to their appointment book as needed. All booking fee's are non-refundable. No show appointments will result in full payment of treatment booked.

Contact Details


41 Maryland Rd, Tunbridge Wells TN2 5HE, UK Free Parking

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